So I realize that I haven't added a new post since the passing of my Orion, and now its taken another big event for me to sit down at my key board and gather my thoughts enough to put them in writing. But as I promised, I have not given up and I've been training and working hard and Orion's light truly is still shining on :-)
These last 3 months have been extremely busy and interesting, that I haven't had much time for reflection. Since I have been training with Jonny Hilberath, my learning has once again sky rocketed! My four horses, Fabella, Anited, Balesteros, Santa Maria, and I are truly learning the art of the finest level of dressage.
A couple weeks ago Fabella and I rode down the centre line at a national level Grand Prix and although we had a couple "green" mistakes, which cost us some valuable marks, we ended up with a 62%, but Jonny was very pleased with Fabella's performance (the rider of course could have been a better pilot) but all in all, with out the mistakes we would have been close to 68% and then with out the mistakes there is still lots of room to improve on the fine tuning. Which is a great foundation plus lots of room to move up! In two weeks we've entered another Grand Prix. And believe me this pilot is more determined than ever to steer her horse to success ;-)
The main reason and big event, as to why I have finally made the time to reflect and share my experiences with you all, is that my 9 year old KWPN gelding, Anited (who is my little firecracker ;-) Under went Colic surgery last night. I have had him since the age of 3 and he was Orion's best buddy, he even traveled to the 2012 Olympic training camp with Orion so Orion didn't have to make the trip alone. Anited has also been my biggest comfort since I lost Orion. Jonny has helped me discover so much hidden potential and Anited has blossomed past everyone expectations, especially with a international caliber piaffe/passage tour and this last week he nailed the 1 tempi changes! .... So yesterday Anited (for the first time in his life) showed symptoms of colic and believe me, did I ever react fast and brought him straight to the vet clinic. But by 8pm last night his symptoms got so bad that we had to operate on him, these 4 hours were the worst reoccurring nightmare for me ever. I am always the one who is telling everyone. You MUST always think positive! Oh man, but believe me it was tough, REALLY tough!!! During the four hours where Anited was in surgery I sat there (almost numb- because my eyes were already exhausted of tears), and very fitting to my current situation, there was a massive thunder and lighting storm tearing up the sky. So I placed a chair in front of the window and simply watched the power of nature. The lighting was often so powerful that it would light up the black sky and during this time I was simply overwhelmed by the power of nature, and one of the hardest lessons I have had to accept is that there is SO much which is out of our control. Sometimes a storm may "dampen" your dreams, but once the skies clear, the rain drops ( and tear drops) will dry, and we must make the best out of the next sunrise.
And I am more than relieved to be able to share with out that with the next sunrise Anited pulled through! He made it :-) And the doctor is very positive that he will be just fine. Luckily they didn't have to cut out any of his intestines, they just had to cut a hole in the side to empty the blockage and they were able to successfully sew every thing back up and Anited is healthy and standing. Just like his best buddy, I know that Anited is a fighter and we should be back in action in no time!
I will keep you posted on Anited's recovery and I promise to stay true to the advice that I am always giving, I promise to always make the best out of this situation.
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